STIC Useful Facts

What is STIC?

In 2010, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) introduced the State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) concept to state transportation departments and industry partners to foster ownership and pride in establishing a process in which ideas, innovative techniques, and processes can be evaluated and implemented quickly and proficiently.

The Pennsylvania STIC is a unique forum that blends together the expertise and experience of various stakeholders to encourage discussions on how to deploy successful transportation innovations quickly.

Who is STIC?

Pennsylvania's STIC is made up of members who reflect the diversity of the state's transportation industry. The more than 20 executives who serve on the council represent federal and state agencies, regional commissions, local governments, universities and research organizations, and industry partners.

The council is co-chaired by Pennsylvania's Secretary of Transportation and the FHWA's Division Administrator. Council members meet quarterly to hear about new initiatives focused on transportation improvements and to learn of the progress of initiatives that have already been set in motion.

What is the goal of STIC and how does it decide on initiatives?

The main goal of STIC is to get innovation into practice as soon as possible so that users can reap the benefits of a smoother, safer, more efficient transportation system. To assist in selecting innovative initiatives that should be promoted and deployed, STIC relies on 10 Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) that have been created to review, evaluate, and provide guidance on potential benefits and uses of initiatives or techniques.

The TAGs serve as champions for initiatives and present white papers to the STIC, which then decides which initiatives to pursue further. Approved initiatives are returned to the TAGs, where they are guided through implementation by developing deployment plans that track the progress of selected initiatives.

The TAGs are comprised of industry experts who can scan the nation looking for practices that have been successfully used elsewhere. More than 125 professionals comprise the membership of the following 10 TAGs: Construction, Environment, Design, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Maintenance, Materials, Project Delivery, Public Outreach, Safety, and Technology.

What are some STIC successes?

The seeds of innovation have been planted in Pennsylvania, and innovative technologies that save time and money, improve traffic safety, and enhance transportation are making their way onto our roadways:

What is STIC's focus in the immediate future?

STIC has turned its recent attention to pursuing the use of the following initiatives in Pennsylvania:

  • High Friction Surface Treatment - This pavement surfacing system provides exceptional skid-resistant properties at locations where wet-pavement crashes are common. It is applied in spot treatments to provide a durable, long-lasting pavement surface that helps to improve pavement friction in both wet and dry conditions. It can be installed quickly with minimal traffic impact. It helps to reduce crashes and prevent injuries and fatalities.

  • Intelligent Compaction - The paving process employing this technology can greatly improve the uniformity and compaction of road-building materials and thus lead to longer-lasting support, stability, and strength of the pavement. Modern vibratory rollers equipped with an on-board computer reporting system and GPS-based mapping allow for monitoring and adjustment to the compaction process, resulting in more efficient compaction. With fewer roller passes required, more roadway can be constructed at a lower cost. the longer-lasting pavement also reduces highway repair and maintenance costs.

  • Intersection/Interchange Design Geometrics - This initiative includes alternative geometric intersection and interchange designs specifically designed to reduce or alter conflict points and allow for safer travel for motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Some examples include roundabouts, diverging diamond interchanges (a new type of interchange that can move traffic more efficiently compared to other interchange types by removing the turns on to and off of the ramps from signalized intersections and instead moving traffic to the left side of the roadway), and adaptive signal control (uses real-time traffic information to reduce congestion by determining which lights should be red and which should be green).

How does STIC promote the initiatives?

STIC's Public Outreach TAG provides promotion of STIC and its initiatives through presentations at conferences and exhibitions across the state and through development of multiple resources, including fact sheets, end-of-year reports, promotional brochures and presentations, and tabletop displays.

Why should I care about STIC?

By fast-tracking innovation in Pennsylvania, STIC is focused on creating a safer, more effective, and more efficient transportation system throughout the state. Businesses, governments, industries, and citizens reap the benefits of improved transportation.

About STIC  / STIC Useful Facts / STIC TAGs / STIC Members